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February 2007 - #2 Our Services | Conferences and Events | Free Newsletter | HTHTS Home Page |
Hints, tips, insights, resources and non-traditional thoughts for service and support professionals, given in the spirit of sharing information in a quick-read, content-rich newsletter. "People Serving People in the Service and Support Profession."
In This Issue Complimentary Tele-seminar - IRS Call Center Events
6th Annual Government Customer Support Conference and
The 9th Annual Help Desk Professionals Conference
and Expo Be an Event Sponsor Government Customer Support Conference 2007 "ONLY 2 BOOTHS LEFT" Click for more info or email GCS@hthts.com
GCSC 2007 Department of Treasury / Federal Consulting Group HDI Capital Area Local Chapter |
Does the idea of change make you tighten up and give you a pit in the stomach? Do you feel anxious, insecure, or scared about the change? Are you having sleepless nights and getting touchy about things that might not otherwise set you off? An excellent way to understand how most people feel when they are asked to make a change is to think about moving. The move may be to another home in the same area, another state or country or a new desk. If you have ever gone through a move, you know how it feels. Things are "different from the norm" which is why change is hard. Change puts people outside of their comfort zone. Researchers have indeed found a positive correlation between change and physical illness. The "Life Change Scale" is a psychological tool which measures the amount of change experienced by a person over a given time interval (Holmes & Rahe, 1967). Individuals with high life change scores are significantly more likely to fall ill. (Source: Change and Information Overload: Negative Effects) Working in the call center and help desk industry means enduring constant change. There are a variety of ways to cope with change. Try some of these ideas to help you deal better with change and to help your staff. 5 Tips to deal with change:
Hug or pet an animal. This is my favorite way to deal with stress, change, sadness and happiness. I have two horses, three cats, and two dogs. They are my escape from negative situations. They are wonderful to share happiness with too. Think of a time a dog jumped up to greet you with love in their eyes and the "smile" on their face. It can make you forget the negatives quickly. The energy you can receive from animals is indescribable. If you are interested in animal spirit energies click here and for more animal energies click here. And yes, horses do hug. Scream! Use Meditation techniques: Sleeping pills might put you to sleep during anxious times, but the sleep may not be restful. Meditation works wonders. Many people find Yoga useful too. Though not this kid. I can't get into those positions. Here are a few of my favorite resources to get you started: Transform your
attitude and become an agent of change. My title at US
West Communications (now Qwest), was Change Agent. I embrace
change because it typically means a new door is opened. It is
important to "see" the door open and know how to run through it to
grab the opportunities. What did I do when the phone company offered up change to their loyal staff? When the door opened, I took the money and ran. I went to work for IBM, and shortly afterwards I started my own company. From help desk technician, to manager, to consultant and industry trade magazine producer (Support Solutions), to help desk and call center conference owner - change always equaled opportunity. It wasn't easy. Risks were high, stress was extreme at times, and I did scream a few times. The end results were worth it all. I hope this issue of eSharings has encouraged you to embrace change and look for the opportunities in a scary situation and given you some ideas for coping skills. Sometimes outside influences must push you to make change. Embrace it! Next time someone says something is going to change say, "Whoo Hoo! I'm ready! What new opportunity do I get from this transformation?" "Make it a great day today. Say something startlingly affectionate to someone you care about."
Ivy Meadors High Tech High Touch Solutions www.ivymeadors.com or www.hthts.com Corporate Office: 425-398-9292
==>> See below for more "change" resources.
P.S. Will you help us grow our list of readers and forward the newsletter to only 2 others and encourage them to subscribe to our secure, never sold or shared readership? It would mean so much to me if you would do this for us. I promise to keep loading our newsletter with useful information."One key to successful leadership is continuous personal change. Personal change is a reflection of our inner growth and empowerment." - Robert E. Quinn Special recognition: Thank you to Christine Cameron for her skilled editing of our newsletter.COMPLIMENTARY TELE-SEMINAR - Mark your calendar for April 4th, 2007 (top)
High Tech High Touch Solutions is now offering complimentary tele-seminars presented by speakers of our upcoming conferences. This session will be presented in its entirety at the Government Customer Support Conference in Alexandria in May. Yolunda and Deborah have loads of good info to share on this call but much more will be presented in the live interactive session at the conference. Date: April 4th, 2007 Time: 10:00 AM (pacific time) / 1:00 PM(eastern time) Call in number: (563) 843-5600 access code 724326# Cost: None
Please RSVP: Simply email solutions4u@hthts.com to say you will be joining us. There are a very limited number of lines and this session will fill up fast. We send follow-up emails with additional resources to those who attend the call. Session Description: There is one thing that plagues most businesses - CHANGE. The ERC is the single point of contact for all IRS employees to request administrative products and services. We have morphed from a Call Center to a Customer Service site. There has been no significant turn over in employees. How did we do it? Two words, Employee Engagement. In this seminar, you will see how change was effectively managed through building a culture that emphasizes individual skill. Employees expressed a need to modify the work distribution system. As a result, employees were empowered to develop a solution that addressed both their concerns and management objectives. The new process not only met the immediate needs of the employees but it increased productivity. Benefits of attending:
Meet the Speakers: Deborah Eaton has 32 years of IRS experience, in administrative services, help desks and taxation. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Memphis, and a Masters of Science in Management from National-Louis University in Chicago. Yolunda Davis has over seventeen years of experience as a Management Analyst, has been a part of the IRS Employee Resource Center from it’s inception in 2001. Yolunda holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Alabama in Birmingham.
Change Resources:
How to Deal with Change - good read Anxiety, leadership and many other tests on the website Queendom, the Land of Tests. Change for Good. Scott Sulak, an incredible and knowledgeable person has a website loaded with information and CDs to help people relax and make change for good.
Resource: Email etiquette policies: Big savings and
productivity Boosters,
Join us on an exclusive site tour of Washington DC’s Unified Communications Center (UCC). Only 30 Spots Available for GCSC 2007 conference attendees. Billed as one of the premier facilities of its kind in the nation, the UCC brings together for the first time, Washington DC’s emergency, non-emergency and public-service call-taking and dispatch functions in a single location, using a unified voice and data communications system. It also house’s the city’s regional interoperable wireless communications and control infrastructure and serves as the regional command and control center, supporting federal agencies and 18 Virginia and Maryland municipalities, in the event of a regional emergency. Email GCS@hthts.com to reserve your spot for the tour. BIG NEWS! (top) Unleash the Leader Within: A Better Way to Manage Customer-Support Operations Brand new course for service and support managers loaded with fresh material for the advanced professional being unveiled at the 6th Annual Government Customer Support Conference and Expo.Eric Rabinowitz of Dema Education and Eric Svendsen of SCInc., two of the most insightful, knowledgeable and fun instructors in the Help Desk industry will be delivering this two-day course at the Government Customer Support Conference and Expo on May 10-11, 2007 in Alexandria, VA.
Mark your calendars now for the
October 22-24, 2007 in Phoenix Arizona at the incredible Pointe South Mountain Resort
JOB OPENING (top) Multicare in Tacoma, Washington has some openings for Service Desk positions. Please share this opportunity with other IT professionals’ who may be interested. To apply, please go to http://www.multicare.org and click on Jobs tab.
Position details: User Support Analyst II Location: Tacoma Hours: Full time The 6th Annual Government Customer Support Conference and Expo At the upcoming Annual Government Customer Support Conference, there will be industry experts, advanced practitioners and professional speakers who will inspire you and teach the skills necessary to achieve your own ambitions. Check out the line-up:
National Finance Center Case Study: Business Continuity in the Face of Hurricane Katrina IRS Case Study: Building a Collaborative Culture through Employee Engagement U S Navy Case Study: Empowering Agents to Use Tacit Knowledge and Exceed Expectations Leading Today's Multi-Generational Workforce Introduction to Workforce Management: Supervisors Guide to Call Center Staffing and Scheduling Outsourcing from A to Z Winner Spotlight! Our Katrina Story: Customer Support Continuity During an Extreme Disaster presented by the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in New Orleans Department of the Treasury Case Study: I Have Customer Satisfaction Scores – Now What Do I Do? Three extended workshops included in your registration:
VoIP and the Government Support Professional Post conference sessions (limited seating - sign up now):
NEW Eric Chester's Generation Why DVD (top) Join Professional Speaker Hall of Fame Inductee and Best-Selling Author, Eric Chester, for a revealing look inside the hearts and minds of the new workforce. Discover why leading companies and organizations - and major media sources turn to Eric for insight, perspective, and strategies on recruiting, training, managing, motivating, and retaining young employees.In three content packed chapters you'll learn:
If you count on young employees in any part of your business then you need this resource. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION (top) Feel free to reprint this newsletter, eSharings in its entirety with our copyright information intact. To subscribe visit our website at www.hthts.com or reply to this copy with subscribe in the subject line. To unsubscribe click the link at the bottom of this email that says unsubscribe. Note: eSharings will contain links to sites on the Internet, which are owned and operated by third parties. High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. is not responsible for the content of any such third-party site. |
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