hints, tips, and resources for service
and support professionals, given in the spirit of
sharing information in a quick-read, content-rich
In this
- Create a positive work environment and have a
sense of humor with it
- MOF - ITIL, and Why Top Performers Use Coaches
Subscription Information
"Get a
Reality Check from - see how
Save the Date:
The 6th Annual
Government Customer Support Conference and Expo will
be held in Alexandria, Virginia, May 7-10, 2007.
"HDP 2006 is Featuring 5 Incredible
and Unforgettable Keynotes"
June Gunter - Leadership and Horses;
If you are looking for a revolutionary approach to
developing leadership, here it is! These experiential
programs focus on developing
"Who You Are" as a leader.
"Take a Step Beyond...." Mike
Rayburn, "The World's Funniest Guitar Virtuoso"
Developing Young Leaders
- Keynote Panel of Generation Y Individuals
Brad Worthley -
Outstanding Leadership in a Service Culture
And saving our favorite
industry speaker for the closing,
the one and only Malcolm Fry wraps-up the week
with one of his memorable keynotes.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
the previous issue of eSharings I listed a variety of
links to fun things including video clips, cartoons,
calls to the tech line and other entertaining things
characteristic to our industry.
became immediately obvious that our industry is
hungry for - HUMOR. Over 47% of the sites visited
from our recent issue were to the entertainment and fun
links listed. Some people
were visiting the links over and over. The
message: people want more fun
in the workplace.
know how to count calls, we understand we are supposed
to capture data from our customer conversations, we know
that quality is crucial, and we know we must be motivated to
be as productive possible. The day is almost over, and
you've just hung up from that one last irritable caller.
After a tough day, the ability to walk out the door
feeling high on life with a big smile on your face can
sometimes be a challenge.
are some more fun things you can do at work so you can
go out the door with a smile on your face and be fully present in your personal life.
you missed last week's issue visit our website and go to
the newsletters page.
Top 4
things you can do today to have fun at work and create a
positive atmosphere.
Remote control cars. Drive a remote
control car around the office and put small bags of
candy or gum in it to be delivered to each person.
Use candies and gums that deliver a special message.
Sunny Kobe-Cook, a motivational speaker, taught us this one; "You did an 'EXTRA'
good job with that last caller." Guess what sort
of gum came bouncing along to this person in the car? Or the
person that was "AMAZING" got the candy of the same
name. You get the idea.
It gets
extra funny if you have a low end remote control car
because they don't
exactly go where you want every time. Oops, my bag of
chocolates fell off the car - oh no, that's the Senior
Director coming. Quick look away and act casual.
Ooooh, it's stuck to the
bottom of his shoe. Oh my, that was the Milkway bar.
Add Cubicle Doormats.
This one might cross the line of
strange humor. There are really cool doormats for
outside your house with fun sayings. You have
your traditional "welcome" mats. But me, the
non-traditionalist, well mine says "leave". I love
it. It makes me laugh every time I see it. Be
honest don't you sometimes wish someone would
"leave". So why not have a doormat at the entry to
your cubicle that puts a smile on your face when you get
to work and when you leave. Maybe "leave" isn't
quite appropriate, but there are other great options.
Make Mobiles and Mirrors with CDs.
You can use the
CDs you get from AOL, EarthLink, and others when you are
finished with them to make hanging mobiles. They
are excellent for
late night target practice too. There are
patterns on how to design and decorate CDs now. Put
a little life into your old CDs.
You can also make neat wall
designs and mirrors using the backside of the CDs.
They brighten up a dull cubicle.
Be Creative in the Design of
your Cubicle. In one job, I had a big office
with a window. It was cold feeling because it was
so large. Also the glare from outside made it hard
to see the computer monitor. Don't get me
wrong, I loved having this space but I'm into a warm and cozy
room. The solution was to
put a thin, colorful cloth across part of the top of my
cubicle to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
I pulled all the
shelves off the wall and hung my own fabric (if
you know me and my passions, there was an obvious
African theme). Then we put back the book shelf
and only the other bare necessities, including my own
soft ambience lamps. Things were moved around to
manage the glare. I made it homey. People loved to have
meetings in my cubicle.
your company won't let you do this, just put lots of
pictures up. I call mine my
"happy wall".
Posted are cartoons, pictures of tigers and polar bears,
letters of thanks, birthday cards, etc.. They are
things that make me feel inspired or generate a smile.
Whatever you do - make it comfortable and yours. You
will be spending 1/3 or more time in your office. How about
making it a place you would love to be or at least be
comfortable there?
Until the next issue of
eSharings, may you find ways you can find humor in your
day. Try to create a place that improves your
productivity and also has a calming affect.
High Tech High Touch Solutions /
425-398-9292 offers our Readers
a RealityCheck!
Act Now: Through HDP, you will receive a
F ++ REE RealityCheck
Simply enter your current data using promo code DRU for an
immediate Performance Rating (valued at $500),
Meet Dru September 27 in San Antonio to have a
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or 805 331-6284.
The 8th
Annual Help Desk Professionals Conference and Expo
“Celebrate with
the Legends of the Help Desk Industry and join the
Round-Up of
Top Leaders in the Help Desk Profession"
attendees say that HDP is
the most in-depth,
highest quality Help Desk conference
available. The intimate setting makes for maximum
networking and educational opportunities. Speakers
McGarahan, Char LaBounty, Malcolm Fry, Penny
Reynolds, Patrick Bultema, Daryl Covey, Brad Worthley, Bill Price, Donna Holt,
plus speakers from
Microsoft, Starbucks, REI, FAA, DSHS,
CA, FrontRange, and others.
Check out the content-loaded program details.
Will you join us in San
Antonio and be part of the exclusive group who join
top leaders in our industry for these in-depth
educational sessions, and take-home templates, handouts,
and loads of resources, plus a flash drive with all of
the presentations pre-loaded?
invite event partners
(sponsors) to join us and make a contribution to the
exclusive community of practice at the
8th Annual Help Desk
Professionals Conference and Expo.
Why Top Performers Use
Mentors and Coaches
athletes in the majority of sports use coaches, personal
trainers and sports psychologists. Without those
people in their lives they may not reach the goals they
aspire to attain. Coaching and mentoring can be
done in person as well as by phone, known as tele-coaching.
I have had
mentors and coaches since I was very young. I am a
titled body builder. Those of you who know me,
acknowledge that I am small. People told me I
couldn't do it, let alone walk off the stage with a
trophy. When you believe in yourself and have
others that believe in you, you can attain those goals.
told me: it's okay to want to quit. To feel like
quitting. As long as you don't.."
- Fran
Tarkenton, NFL champion quarterback
Top 10 Reasons to have a
Have someone help
clarify goals and develop steps to reach those
Be motivated and
Be held accountable for
your actions and commitments made.
Have someone who
accepts you for who you are and understands what it
takes to move you.
They push you outside
of your comfort zone.
Provides structure
needed to help realize your dreams.
Have someone to listen
to you and put things into perspective.
Get your ideas and
decisions questioned and challenged when you might
start to stray.
Have behavioral traits
identified that impede your success.
Be recognized for your
achievements and appreciate the effort it took to
"According to Therese Kienast, a personal and
professional coach based in Chicago, "Anyone can hire a
coach, but the people who are most committed to success
get the most out of coaching."
Weblinks that might get you
started on the path to hiring a coach or becoming one.
Specifically for our Help
Desk and Service Desk Readers:
MOF: An actionable and
Prescriptive Approach to ITIL
"Microsoft has been
actively involved with the ITIL community since 1999,
both by using ITIL content and by contributing to new,
updated, and expanded documentation. ITIL provides a
broad spectrum of guidance documents that cover IT
service delivery, management, and support, as well as
elements of IT infrastructure, security, and application
management. ITIL promotes the practice of applying
descriptive guidance to achieve focused improvement in
various areas of service management on a continuing
"In contrast to the
descriptive ITIL approach, the MOF approach is
prescriptive, promoting continuous improvement of IT
service management capabilities throughout the IT life
cycle. IT organizations are ideally in a constant state
of improvement. To assist in achieving this ongoing
development, MOF provides prescriptive, process-driven
tools and best practices through a growing number of
specific service management functions. By combining MOF
with Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF), organizations
can implement an end-to-end framework to manage their
infrastructures—from planning and building through
operations and support. "
Have you signed up yet to attend? Because if you
haven't there are only a few weeks left to get the early
bird discount and the phenomenal hotel room rates we
have arranged for you. Check these rates out.
The HDP 2006 special room
rate at the Hyatt Regency is $179.00 per night, a
savings of $180.00 off the regular room rate of $359.00.
The special rate for
Government employees is $96.00 per night or prevailing
Government rates. This is a savings of $263.00 off the
regular room rate.
Please see the detailed program.
You won't want to miss this.
We hope you enjoyed this edition of
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will contain links to sites on the Internet,
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