Dedicated to sharing ideas, resources, and non-traditional thoughts given in the spirit of providing information to contribute to those seeking personal and professional transformation. |
HTHTS Home Page | Our Services | Conferences and Events | The Free Stuff Do you have HI-PO employees on your team? With the first Baby Boomers retiring in 2010 it has become imperative that HI-PO employees are identified and put into programs to develop them further and sooner. HI-PO employees are individuals with high potential. Many of our readers have met my niece, Corissa Meadors, at our conferences or seminars I've delivered. She is an example of a HI-PO employee. She just graduated from High School and is leaving August 26th, 2007 to live in Costa Rica for the next year. She is going to college at Long Island University's Global College. The Global College embodies the vision of Dr. Morris Mitchell, its first president, who believed that students who were given the opportunity to learn firsthand about the problems and possibilities of humanity, and were encouraged to develop problem-solving skills, would become a unique resource for global peace and development. Global College's mission is the development of well-educated world citizens, men and women from a broad spectrum of nationalities and social classes who participate in a program that; enables them to combine first-hand experience of diverse cultural realities with the critical study of academic disciplines and human and ecological problems; to test intellectual theories and skills against the demands of practice and service; to carry out specialized field study under expert guidance that synthesizes cross-cultural understanding; and to develop a broad world view and a level of achievement in a chosen field sufficient to prepare for a life of committed action in the interest of the world community. This is a place for people to make practical use of learned theories and concepts and, as a result, to gain a profound understanding of global issues. During excursions to Nicaragua in the fall and Ecuador in the spring, students explore the tension between environmental and economic issues and begin to understand how individuals at the local level are affected by decisions made at the global level. In previous semesters students have explored comparative political systems; tropical and/or organic agriculture, aquaculture and reforestation; rural development, underdevelopment and the role of cooperatives; nutrition and public health; journalism in social change; workers and trade unions; street children; dance, theatre and ethnomusicology; women’s issues such as violence and self-esteem; and human rights and peace studies. HI-PO employees are the greatest assets to an organization's future success. Imagine the results if we could immerse our HI-PO employees in such in-depth programs in corporations. Top talent people hold the greatest potential for organizational development, innovation and growth. High potentials are made of two top talent groups:
Think about the prodigious outcomes to corporations and the people - globally and locally if you take the top 5% high performing people and develop them in a program like Corissa's. I'm proud to have a HI-PO employee and an extraordinary family member that is going to make a difference in this world. Resources:
I hope you found this issue of eSharings enjoyable and useful. May you discover your own HI-PO employees and take the opportunity to assist them in their quest for knowledge. Warmly,
Ivy Meadors High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. or www.hthts.com Office: 425-398-9292
To email Corissa and learn more about the Global Program she is getting involved in or share your words of encouragment, you can send a note to corissa@hthts.com. Her next stint after Costa Rica is China.The 9th Annual Signature Customer Service and Support Professionals Conference a.k.a. Help Desk Professionals Conference and Expo
Where: ==>> Only 70 rooms left at the resort - reserve yours now. <<== CSSPC Speaker Highlight: Randy Celaya Delivers Two Incredible Sessions (top)
Randy Celaya, Results Focused Training Coaching is more than a set of management actions for improving performance. It is an involved supportive approach for allowing others to realize their full potential. Coaching is a partnership for achieving results. Coaching focuses more on motivation or interpersonal influence rather than on getting others to comply through a chain of command or hierarchy. You will learn that Coaching isn’t a mechanical process between the coach and individual or team; it requires good chemistry, communication, observation and caring. Coaching is the heart of peak performance in every successful organization. Whenever you want to get buy-in, inspire or motivate, coaching is the answer. Benefits of attending:
Creating Value: The Financial Role of Support It’s important to understand the financial role that we play in support. Understanding terminology and communicating the value of the services you provide is the key to success in business. You will learn what financial terminology the industry is using and the role ROI plays in the support center. You will learn how to position your support center as an asset and a value to upper management. Benefits of Attending:
Take away: Cost Itemization WorksheetMeet the Speaker: Mr. Celaya is a keynote event speaker, Certified Executive/Life Coach and Instructor with 17 years of support center industry experience. Randy has been recognized as a strong motivator, results focused coach and effective communicator working with groups or individuals to achieve success. Mr. Celaya has worked extensively with Help Desks and Call Centers around the world to develop, coach and train Professional to Director level positions in Customer Support, Critical Thinking, Team Building, and Problem Solving skills. Randy was critical in the conception of one of the Help Desk/Call Center industries most recognized certifications in the support services industry. Randy has served as the Keynote speaker at Help Desk and Call Center events around the world. ==>> Click to View the Detailed Conference Program <<== Ivy's Quick Reads (top)
The primary reason for failure is due to lack of senior management support and insufficient leadership training for those running the support group. The Help Desk / Service Desk (HD/SD) is the backbone of the company, a necessary asset worth investing in. They should not be thought of as overhead but instead as one of the most crucial components of the business. The leaders of these groups need more training and support from senior management. Why The most successful support groups have passionate leaders and the technology to do the job. It takes a unique skill set to manage a technical support group. Having a strategic vision, insights into the service and support industry, and a deep understanding of the corporate business needs will contribute to a successful organization. Successful leaders of HD/SDs know how others run their groups (successfully and poorly) by visiting similar sites, actively participating in local networking groups and attending industry events. Use Technology More Effectively Less than 20% of HD/SDs use technology to be truly proactive, self-service organizations using auto-correction, auto-alerts, and auto-ticketing. Many groups are on the right path but are not given the time or training to understand how to perform effective root cause analysis, perform advanced application of tool sets or know how to best market the resources of the HD/SD to the customers. Control Your Costs What is the most common statement made by leaders of HD/SDs? "We need to reduce resources and perform support at a lower cost," is the primary point made when asked why there are adverse situations for the group. The key is to understand the financial role that is played in support and how to communicate the results to senior management. Randy Celaya, from Results Focused Training, will be teaching this topic at the 9th Annual Customer Service and Support Professionals Conference October 22-24 in Phoenix. Being proactive, using effective Workforce Management, and better use of your technology will contribute to controlling costs down. Focus on the People It is said time and again how important it is to focus on the people. Most organizations walk this talk to a great extent but with heavy workloads on everyone, the lack of time and resources, and too many meetings. it is a challenge to give the people the focus they need and deserve. Actions:
(top) Help Desk Supervisor for Lynden Incorporated in Seattle, Washington Lynden Incorporated is looking for a customer service oriented individual to supervise 8-10 level two technical support experts for a well established, highly respected, ITIL compliant internal Help Desk. Work is varied and challenging and requires at least level one expertise on a wide range of technical areas. Exceptional customer service and verbal and written communications skills are a must for this position. Experience in Help Desk supervision is essential. This is a remarkable opportunity for the right individual. The primary duties of this position are as follows: · Monitors helpdesk operations to ensure compliance with client service level agreements · Recognizes trends in reported incidents and groups related calls · Works closely with other department contacts on issues to improve customer relations and technical support · Keeps abreast of new technologies and arranges for training of Help Desk personnel · Follows up on support issues with dissatisfied customers to ensure that problems are resolved and customer service is improved · Assists in answering phones and diagnosing problems during crunch times · Works closely with Help Desk Manager to create, improve, and publish help desk procedures · Other duties as assigned Contact: Pat Forman Help Desk Manager Lynden Inc. Seatac, WA Patf@lynden.com ==>> Be sure to tell them you read about the position in eSharings. Share the resources with others: Will you forward this newsletter to someone else and encourage them to subscribe to our secure, never sold or shared readership? We really appreciate your help to grow our community.SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Feel free to reprint this newsletter, eSharings, in its entirety with our copyright information intact. To subscribe visit our website at www.hthts.com or reply to this copy with subscribe in the subject line. To unsubscribe click the link at the bottom of this email that says unsubscribe. Note: eSharings will contain links to sites on the Internet, which are owned and operated by third parties. High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. is not responsible for the content of any such third-party site. |
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