Dedicated to sharing ideas, resources, and non-traditional thoughts given in the spirit of providing information to contribute to those seeking personal and professional transformation. |
HTHTS Home Page | Our Services | Conferences and Events | The Free Stuff Do you let your Contact Center and Service Desk staff access the Internet from their desktop? This question comes up often and the answer ranges from, "it depends on the person and their performance" to "absolutely never". A couple of our employees were accessing My~Space and suggested I try it. I have resisted for years but when they said one my business acquaintances had a space I took a look. I did not provide my identification - just went to their space and listened to some of the posted video clips on my friends space. This is someone I have known for over seven years, so I trusted to explore their space. I should have used an Anonymizer because within 24 hours I had a 4% increase of SPAM with the obvious notations that they had come from my short visit to MySpace. Imagine if you had 100 reps visit My~Space and within 24 hours their SPAM increased by 4% - this may equate to an additional 200-300 more SPAM messages per day! That can mean over 6000 per month. In most corporations SPAM blockers and Firewalls will prevent this from being an impact to the group. Smaller companies or companies that review the SPAM folders will certainly feel the impact. At High Tech High Touch Solutions, we scan the SPAM folders to be sure we don't get any "false-positives", a result that is an erroneous positive when a situation is normal, to be sure we don't miss anyone asking about the conferences or consulting services. Our corporate decision is to not permit access to MySpace from any company computers. We also ask our employees to only visit legitimate websites but occasionally they slip up. Our SPAM flow almost immediately increases. We see a direct relationship to their explorations on risky websites and some not so risky too. Large corporations may already use Anonymizers. They have good firewalls and spam blockers in place too. Companies that don't use Anonymizers or people who do a lot of web activity with their personal computers don't often have advanced protection in place. Most people have spam blockers and firewalls on their home computers but that does not protect you from the systems finding your IP address and other private information. This can really become a risky problem if you have young people in your home. Undesirable and unwelcome information will feed to your IP address once uncovered. When the spammers get a positive response that this is a live address, the spam increases. There are no-cost and for-cost Anonymizers. You can Google the word anonymizer and find numerous options. How Anonymizers Work Anonymizer sites access the Internet on your behalf, protecting your personal information from disclosure. An anonymizer protects all of your computer's identifying information while it surfs for you, enabling you to remain at least one step removed from the sites you visit. You can see some of the wide range of data that web sites can read from your browser, including your IP address and other identifying information, at the following sites: Source: www.livinginternet.com/i/is_anon_work.htm Statistics:
I hope you found this issue of eSharings enjoyable and useful. Hopefully, you can get an Anonymizer to protect your children, your team at work and yourself when you are surfing the web. Warmly,
Ivy Meadors High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. or www.hthts.com Office: 425-398-9292
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eSharings? The 9th Annual Signature Customer Service and Support Professionals Conference a.k.a. Help Desk Professionals Conference and Expo October 22-24, 2007 in Phoenix Arizona at the incredible Pointe South Mountain Resort Only 40 rooms left at the resort - reserve yours now.
CSSPC Session Highlight: (top) Workshop: Non-Traditional Leadership Techniques Ivy Meadors, High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. In today's business environment, leadership requires skills and character traits beyond the ability to get people to follow. Leaders are put in positions to influence and touch the lives of others. Develop your leadership skills further by exploring non-traditional techniques in this potpourri of behavioral leadership practices. Learn how to apply the "Law of Attraction" and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) to deliver advanced leadership influences. Understand the behaviors of different generations to improve communication motivation and more. Become a leader of change using vital leadership techniques to respond to today’s changing realities. Advanced Leadership requires taking personal responsibility to develop yourself, to grow, and to have a solid sense of self-determination. Leaders must be involved in guiding others when creating functional, healthy systems and processes and must know in themselves, what they are trying to teach their people. The study of behavioral psychology and the confidence to apply it well will launch your skills to a new level. Join industry expert, Ivy Meadors to discuss non-traditional and essential leadership skills in this interactive session loaded with ideas, techniques and solutions. Benefits of attending:
************************ Ivy is also delivering a pre-conference session titled: Communications Workshop: How to Develop and Deliver Advanced Presentations from the Boardroom to the Platform This session has been extremely well received and people have said they learned so much that it will improve their communication skills significantly.
Meet the Speaker: Referred to as the "Female Tom Peters"; internationally renowned, award winning, speaker-consultant, Ivy Meadors, is CEO and founder of High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc., the only woman-owned conference producer in technology and a consulting firm specializing in help desks and contact centers. Speaker-consultant, Ivy, has over 30 years of experience in contact centers and help desks. She is considered one of the industry’s most respected leaders and is one of the top 5 most recognized names in the service and support industry. Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! How Service Desk and Contact Leaders Align with the Animal Kingdom. (top)
Source: unknown Contact Center and Service Desk Leaders as Lions and Tigers.
Knowledge Management Bears "Pretty funny mental image actually...I'm imagining the grizzly bear shaking the ice chest, hearing something rattling around inside and confident that it contains something of interest he continues to work at solving the problem of trying to open it. I also imagine that eventually the ice chest will yield given the obvious fact that a grizzly bear is most likely significantly stronger than the ice chest. And once the chest is open, if there is food the grizzly will of course take it and then off he goes....in search of the next ice chest." Source: Are you a KM Grizzly Bear(top) There is a battle in Call Centers. The teams are Quality vs. Quantity; two performance factors that don’t seem to get along.
************************ FedEx: Personal Touch "At the call center in Fullerton, the reps are judged first on call quality—are they polite, do they provide customers with the right information, or do they force customers to call back? This is a change from a few years ago, says Hight, when productivity was considered most important. But today, callers who get through to the call center are either determined to talk to a human being or have problems that FedEx's Web site and its voice-response system can't yet solve. Either way, these callers require more time." ************************ Measuring Quantity vs. Quality "It's not the confusion between feet and meters that has customer interaction centers in a tizzy, but when it comes to measuring quantity versus quality, it's been as much of a struggle. It doesn't have to be." ACCE COMES TO SAN DIEGO ICMI is proud to announce that the Annual Call Center Exhibition is just a few months away! Join us this year in San Diego for the quality education you need to improve your call center.Friends of High Tech High Touch Solutions save an additional $100 off conference pricing. This year's event features a conference program packed with innovative and expert education, unsurpassed networking opportunities, an expansive exhibit hall full of the latest technologies, and much more! Experience the following at ACCE: ACCE offers quality education from the start! With seven concurrent conference tracks spanning two days and sandwiched between action-packed days of pre-and post show workshops, the opportunity to learn never ends. Forget casual visits to call centers, join an experienced guide as you tour working call centers of and find exciting take-aways to apply to your own center. From cocktail receptions to continental breakfasts, the networking never ends at ACCE. New for 2007—a post-show golf networking tournament at the beautiful Rancho Bernardo Inn. Bonus! SWPP's Regional Meet will be held at ACCE on Monday afternoon! -- An Expansive Exhibit Hall
The exhibit hall at ACCE is packed with products and services for every call center need. Designed for one-stop shopping, you won't find a larger gathering of call center technology under one roof! --And much more. Check out our website for additional details. www.accecmp.com and save $100 by using the priority code: HTHT. Get first pick of limited opportunities – and maximum savings on conference packages – by registering early for this event!Register online today for conference packages. Call 800-441-8826 or 415-947-6130 (M-F 9:00AM-4:00PM PST) with any questions.BE SURE TO USE PRIORITY CODE: HTHT Share the resources with others: Will you forward this newsletter to someone else and encourage them to subscribe to our secure, never sold or shared readership? We really appreciate your help to grow our community.SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Feel free to reprint this newsletter, eSharings, in its entirety with our copyright information intact. To subscribe visit our website at www.hthts.com or reply to this copy with subscribe in the subject line. To unsubscribe click the link at the bottom of this email that says unsubscribe. Note: eSharings will contain links to sites on the Internet, which are owned and operated by third parties. High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. is not responsible for the content of any such third-party site. |
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