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Join us for the Premier Event for
Scheduled for 2011 - MGM Grand in
Las Vegas Women say they spend years trying to achieve their goals to climb higher in the workplace. They describe hitting a brick wall or "the ceiling". Some women want to know how to break through and others would like the tools and inspiration to take the next step. Many incredible women, like yourself, want to understand their strengths better and how to develop further. Women are looking for work, progressing in their current work, or want to change direction and would benefit from a strong support circle and have the tools to move forward. The Ignite Summit 2011: Breaking through the Ceiling" is going to provide you the roadmap, defining the things that you need to do to reach your goal! This event will empower women aspiring to be leaders, motivate existing leaders or offer the tools to change your path to take the steps to reach the top of their own "summit". In this high intensity, interactive workshop, a team of brilliant women leaders will teach you how to build your own roadmap to realize your goals. You will get the necessary skills and inspiration to "break through the ceiling". "What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as what you will become by reaching your destination."
Zig Ziglar
The two day workshop will be held
the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.
We're accepting a limited number of attendees
into the program. This will guarantee you get the greatest
learning experience and depth of knowledge you deserve.
"You don't need to climb to the top
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