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"Sign up for eSHARINGS newsletter here." HTHTS Home Page | Our Services | Conferences and Events | The Free Stuff Two mottos our company embraces are fundamental to the spirit of our business; 1) “Do whatever it takes”, and 2) “There is always a better way”. This issue of eSharings will address "Do Whatever it Takes". The previous issue spoke to the message “there is always a better way”. We moved our office over the past few weeks. Believe me, our team demonstrated they really will "do whatever it takes". When you don't have a large group of people to manage all the details, everyone has to jump in and do whatever it takes to get the move done. There wasn't anything anyone was above doing and there were no comments made saying, "It's not my job." Our remote staff supported our local team by doing some of our work while we were busy loading and delivering the "stuff" while trying to dodge the snow, rains and flooding we have had in the Northwest, between loading and delivering the "stuff". I am very lucky to have such a great team. Far beyond just our recent move though, our team members have been instilled with the corporate culture to do whatever it takes to deliver expert customer service or help out their team members. It is hard to explain the feeling you get from going above and beyond. From doing the most simple things to efforts that take personal time, emotion and devotion; doing whatever it takes to follow your dreams, make someone's life a little easier or offer a caring touch or a kind ear, they will result in positive returns. I'm going to keep this issue of eSharings short. We've included some good books to read, some useful podcasts and two really funny video clips. And of course, we want you to visit our Government Customer Support Conference website and sign up to join us in Alexandria, Virginia in April 28-30, 2008. Here are a few resources to encourage you to "Do Whatever it Takes.
I hope you found this issue of eSharings enjoyable and useful. Happy Holidays to you. Warmly, Ivy Meadors High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. or Office: 425-398-9292
P.S. We are mostly settled now from the move and ready to do some well deserved stress relieving exercises. My first trip is to the movie to see The Golden Compass. (Great website too. Your kids will love it and so will most of you. Take the quiz and find out what your Daemon is. Not surprisingly, mine was the Lion.).“I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work” - Thomas Alva Edison
Date: January 16th, 2008 Time: 2:00 - 6:00 PM Producer: The NWCCP and HDNW Associations Host Location: Puget Sound Energy in Bellevue, Washington
RSVP: (Everyone is welcome and there is no cost to attend.) Back and Now in it's 7th Year!
The 7th Annual Government Customer Support
Conference and Expo Deadline to s~ave $200 is December 31st, 2007 Leaders of help desks, contact centers, web service portals, and other customer touch points for Government's internal and external customers get together yearly at our annual Government Customer Support Conference and Expo (GCSC) to learn, share, and synergize as a community of practice! Visit to learn more:
Recommended Reading (top) Basic Black: The Essential Guide for Getting Ahead at Work (and in Life) by Cathie Black Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom An Hour to Live, an Hour to Love by Kristine and Richard Carlson For One More Day by Mitch Albom Orbiting the Giant Hairball : A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving with Grace by Gordon MacKenzie Mentoring: A Success Guide for Mentors and Protégés Mentoring reveals the secrets to achieving high degrees of success: personal, professional, economic, and emotional through a series of stories and letters illustrating the mentoring relationship. Floyd Wickman and Terri Sjodin (as mentor and protégé themselves in writing this book) prove that mentoring can be an important catalyst to success. Readers will discover how to create a successful mentoring lifestyle, including: four basic reasons why mentoring works and the benefits of having a mentor; how to select a good mentor or protégé; 16 laws of mentoring; how to involve mentors in every facet of your life from business and family to fitness and spiritual development; secrets for effectively working with and developing a protégé; and much more! Visit our website to view the recommended reading booklist. Click to view the entire list.
Call for Speakers We are developing an incredible program for our 10th Anniversary and need expert speakers that will leave everyone with loads of beneficial information. The selection committee is searching for fresh, powerful, unique sessions across a variety of topics. We’re committed to bringing only the very best to our guests at the 2008 Signature event.
Click here to submit a proposal to
at the one and only
For Our Readers (top) 2008 Support Salary Survey Once again, we're collecting data for the annual ASP tech support salary survey, now in its 13th year. This is a major benchmarking effort that helps set pay levels across the whole industry, so-- as always--we're eager to attract as many participants as possible. Please check out the survey questionnaire here: Speak Your Truth Colette Carlson, Keynote speaker for the Government Customer Support Conference in April 2008, has loads of useful articles posted on her website that you will definitely want to check out. Go to See the article "Top 10 Tips to Speaking Your Truth". Contact Center Podcasts
Life in a Call Center
Date: December 12th, 2007 (This Wednesday) Location: CA in Bellevue, Washington Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM Cost: None Ivy Meadors is speaking at the NWCCP / HDNW (Neighborhood and Worldwide Contact Center Professionals) meeting. The topic is "How to Apply Traditional and Non-traditional Leadership Techniques". Develop your leadership skills further by exploring non-traditional techniques in this potpourri of behavioral leadership practices. Learn how to apply the "Law of Attraction" and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) to deliver advanced leadership influences. Understand the behaviors of different generations to improve communication motivation and more. Become a leader of change using vital leadership techniques to respond to today’s changing realities. Read more on their website at
* * * * * * * * * * * * Webinars being offered in December for Customer Service and Support Professionals The Call Center School is offering some useful courses this month. Click here to view the list of courses
* * * * * * * * * * * * Secrets for a Successful CMDB Implementation December 12, 2007, 12 noon - 1pm Eastern / 9am - 10am Pacific Share with others: Please forward this newsletter to someone else and encourage them to subscribe to our secure, never sold or shared readership and help grow our community.SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Feel free to reprint this newsletter, eSharings, in its entirety with our copyright information intact. To subscribe visit our website at or reply to this copy with subscribe in the subject line. To unsubscribe click the link at the bottom of this email that says unsubscribe. Note: eSharings will contain links to sites on the Internet, which are owned and operated by third parties. High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. is not responsible for the content of any such third-party site. |
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